Professional Experience-Resume
Professional Experience
Municipal Leader, focused on technology driven solutions.
Management leader with proven results in modernization, fiscal planning, and business transformation in the public sector. Results are new efficiencies developed on time and within budget.
Town of Dover - Dover, MA
Joined the Town of Dover to lead modernization projects across all departments to include technology, business process and service delivery to citizens.
Key Results:
Researched and drafted a Water Use Restriction Bylaw that was adopted at the 2022 Annual Town Meeting. The process required multiple meetings with stakeholders to gain consensus to ensure community buy-in of the bylaw.
Designed and created a Budget Book to better engage with stakeholders and Department Heads in the budgeting process.
Reviewed Dover’s hardware and software to ensure that systems were modern and secure. Replaced the outdated hardware, restructured the network, and instituted staff trainings for new systems. • Developed and published Dashboards to allow for citizens better insight into Dover’s projects and initiatives to include monitoring wells, Board of Selectmen goals and the Capital Budget Committee’s 5 Year Capital Plan.
Cape Cod Commission - Barnstable, MA
Hired to lead civic software implementation projects in a timely cost-efficient manner. Utilizing past project and change management experience to assist municipalities in adopting new software and best practices.
Key Results:
Implemented Accela Civic platform software in four communities on Cape Cod. The template I developed became the Massachusetts Best Practices Template and used across the Commonwealth • Developed modules with local municipal staff, such as Planning, Zoning, Conservation and Historic. These modules were not included in the original software package and saved the communities 20 to 30 thousand dollars per module.
Authored the Request for Proposal (RFP) for Performance management software, chose OpenGov as the vendor which implemented six municipalities and the county.
Created non-financial data dashboards for executive leadership to benchmark goals internally, locally and across the country.
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Transitional Assistance
- Boston, MA
- Boston, MA
Reviewed the Central Eligibility Unit business processes and implemented a new business model to ensure a faster turnaround of applications and a lower denial rate. Additionally, leveraged data to continuously improve performance and efficiency.
Developed a new, streamlined process for outside agencies to request income verifications. Met with the external stakeholders and successfully reached consensus on a process. Increased efficiency significantly by reducing the application turnaround time from three weeks to two days.
Represented the Department as a liaison with community partner groups. Developed pilots programs to ensure a quicker turnaround time of SNAP applications submitted by the community partners. • Redesigned the Income Verification process in a way that reduced the process from 15 to 5 steps, increasing output by 66%.
Led the agency’s modernization efforts. The technology projects encompassed document management solutions, Integrated Voice Response (IVR) telephone system, and a PC refresh. This included recommending computers for purchase and then coordinating the rollout to 2,400 employees. The process improvement projects involved establishing a Web Application Unit and upgrading the agency’s call center technology to improve the workflow.
Key Results:
Organized and led the project to upgrade technology in the two Boston offices. These offices are the busiest offices in the State and ranked last out of 22 offices in overdue re-evaluations, a key metric for performance measurement. Post project the offices ranked in the top five.
As Project Manager, successfully coordinated efforts among the DTA, vendors, and external IT support to implement a department IVR system within tight timeline and budget constraints. Led a modernization project that upgraded the Agency’s document processing that saved the DTA and taxpayers more than
$250,000 over the life of the equipment lease. In addition to procuring new equipment, paperless document scanning was added to the offices’ workflow for the first time.
Hired by the Department of Transitional Assistance to apply analytical change management to modernization efforts to ensure that they were standardized, accepted, and implemented.
Key Results:
Centralized the Commonwealth’s emergency homeless shelter system to ensure that there was one data set of exits and entries. The accuracy of reporting increased from 58% to 98%.
Analyzed major business processes, generated detailed process maps, and data collection for benchmarking standards.
Developed a Department Project Plan in order to sort and prioritize 20 modernization projects to enhance customer service. My new online dashboard enabled Senior Staff to quickly view and digest results.
Education Experience
University of Rhode Island, Kingston
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
Golden Key Honor Society - Recognition for academic accomplishments.
Professional Certificates